Morning Star Wellness & Missionary Training

Morning Star Wellness & Missionary Training began as faith-based initiative of Light in Darkness Ministry in Namibia and Bible Picture Pathways. Our goal is to train and enable missionaries to go out and fulfill the great commission, taking the gospel and the 3 angels messages to the world. 

Although a physical school facility never came through, due to several responses of interest, we decided to make part of the desired course work available in a FREE home study course.  

August  2021 Update
Praise God! Although far from its destination, Morning Star Wellness and Missionary Training Home Study Course is finally launched! We finally have a few of the videos done! They are available to watch below along with some of the required materials in PDF for reading. 
Please note: As we upload it, this course is available for audit, but not yet credit (certificate). Although quizzes are included in the videos, certificates of completion will NOT be available until we have finished compiling the course
(Of course, you are welcome to go ahead and take the quizzes, and save the answers to send in later. :)
 Additional Videos and Materials will be uploaded as they are finished. 

Morning Star Missionary and Wellness Training Home Study Course

Textbooks: A King James Bible, 
Healthful Living, The Ministry of Healing, (PDFs below)
 Morning Star Medical Missionary Training Manual (unavailable yet)
Healthful-Living.pdf Healthful-Living.pdf
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The Ministry of Healing.pdf The Ministry of Healing.pdf
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Just click the picture to view the video. Please watch them in order as they "build" on concepts shared in the previous videos. 
If you are having trouble viewing these videos online.  You may use any Bitchute downloader.  
Here is one that we frequently use.   Here is a backup downloader that I have used in the past
(NOTE: When using video downloaders, immediately close any additional tabs that open. They are spam, and some are worse than garbage.)

Module 1, Section 1--Intro to Medical Missionary Work  (Video #1)
Module 1, Section 2--Intro to Medical Missionary Work  (Video #2)
Module 2, Section 1--God's Plan---8 Laws of Good Health (Video #3)
Godly Trust for the Medical Missionary

Module 2, Section 3--God's Plan---8 Laws of Good Health (Video #5)
Open Air
              Module 2, Section 4--God's Plan---8 Laws of Good Health (Video #6) 
 Module 2, Section 6--God's Plan---8 Laws of Good Health (Video #8) 
Proper Rest 

Module 2, Section 8--God's Plan---8 Laws of Good Health (Video #10) 
Always Temperate

Module 2, Section 8--God's Plan---8 Laws of Good Health (Video #11) 
        Module 2, Section 2--God's Plan---8 Laws of Good Health (Video #4)
                                         Godly Trust and Patient Mind Cure
 Module 2, Section 3--Extra Homework Video  
Invisible Danger Documentary--Disk 1 and 2
Module 2, Section 5--God's Plan---8 Laws of Good Health (Video #7) 
Daily Exercise 
 Module 2, Section 7--God's Plan---8 Laws of Good Health (Video #9) 
Lots of Water

Module 2, Section 8--God's Plan---Extra Homework Video and Reading
Wineology and Breaking the Chains of Addiction
Breaking the Chains of Addiction E-book.pdf Breaking the Chains of Addiction E-book.pdf
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Type : pdf

 "The most complete system that men have ever devised, apart from the power and wisdom of God, will prove a failure, while the most unpromising methods will succeed when divinely appointed and entered upon with humility and faith."  (PP 554)

Original Morning Star Course work was to be be based on a simple blueprint such as was used Biblically in the schools of the prophets, combining physical, mental and spiritual training. Topics of study will include agriculture, medical missionary work, Evangelism and Bible topics as well as other practical skills such as home economics and carpentry. 

We are continuing in this developing project as God opens the doors. 'We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us.' 2 Corinthians 4: 7 

In summary, the purpose of Morning Star Wellness & Missionary Training is to prepare a people for the soon return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


We believe that education should be made available to all earnest seekers; whether they are rich or poor, for this reason we believe that a work/study program is best.

We believe that in light of Bible prophecy and current events, students should be able to finish a course of study, and be sent out into the field as quickly as possible. (Advocate, November 1, 1900 par. 6)

We believe that simplicity should characterize our structures, dress, diet, deportment, recreation, music, and student guidelines. Students should be taught to reason from cause to effect.

We believe that the one true purpose of education is to prepare man for “good works” (2 Tim. 3:16, 17), in other words, missionary training. (MH 395)  

We believe that Jesus Christ was the greatest teacher, and that true education consists in educating the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of man. (Matt. 4:23)

We believe that the Bible is the greatest textbook ever written, and is the foundation of all true science and that every branch of knowledge may be found by searching the Word of God. (COL 107) 

Other books may be employed but are subject to the Bible.



Courses of study will be split into 3 month sessions. For example: Have a 3 month basic course that gives the basics of most subjects (ex. Agriculture, Medical Missionary, Evangelism, Bookbinding, Cooking, etc.) 

Follow this with a 3 month course where the students can choose which classes they would like to learn more in-depth (ex. Christian Media or Medical Missionary).


Subjects may include but are not limited to:

Religious - Bible Study Techniques, Steps to Christ, Bible Doctrines, Prophecy, Bible Work/ Literature Evangelism, Sacred History, Biblical Missiology (Missionary topics), Child Evangelism, Public Speaking/Preaching Skills, Sacred Music.

Practical - Agriculture, Cooking Skills, Food Preservation, Wilderness Survival, Carpentry, Basic Sewing, Printing/Bookbinding, Christian Media Production, Missionary Tract Writing and Graphic Design, Business and Book Keeping, Personal Care Products (un-chemicals), Basic Grammar and Translating Skills.

Medical - Basic Hygiene and Sanitation, Eight Natural Remedies, Anatomy and Physiology, Basic First Aid, Emergency Aid (ex. Suturing and Splinting), Nutrition, Hydrotherapy, Herbology, Basic Midwifery and Prenatal Care, Diseases and Diagnosis, Basic Nursing Care, Exposing Counterfeit Healing.

Additional Notes

Although we do not believe in the issuing of degrees, upon finishing each course the students will receive a simple certificate of completion. Students, who have not successfully passed a class, will be encouraged to retake the class, until teachers can in good conscience give them a certificate

We believe that useful occupations, Christian help work, innocent cooperative recreation, and missionary endeavors serve as an adequate replacement for competitive sports and worldly amusements.


Further Study

Anything written that is later found, with further study,  to be contrary to the Bible and SOP, is apt to change.

September 2017 Update
 We are very excited to see how many of you are interested in this type of project!  Unfortunately, we have encountered multiple obstacles including 3 potential property donations for this  project "falling through." However, because of  our realization of the great need for this type of program,  our staff  has been working on a couple of  ideas to overcome these difficulties.   These include the possibility of portions of this training being designed in a home study type program.   We are currently working to determine whether that is a feasible option.  Please feel free to visit our website or contact us for further updates and we will try to keep you posted if and when something becomes available. 

August  2020 Update
Thank you for your patience. We are still working on the Home Study Program.  We have portions of it recorded and ready for editing. 

Types of Education 

PDF files of PowerPoint presentations, compiled by Light in Darkness, on the subject of Education.


True Education.pdf True Education.pdf
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False Education.pdf False Education.pdf
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Brochure on educational methods

Education - brochure.pdf Education - brochure.pdf
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Type : pdf

These are some books that we highly recommend reading in order to better understand what our schools are supposed to be like and what our aim is for this "Morning Star" center. 

The Broken Blueprint.pdf The Broken Blueprint.pdf
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StudiesChristianEducation.pdf StudiesChristianEducation.pdf
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Education.pdf Education.pdf
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Type : pdf

 Morning Star Herald is the Quarterly Newsletter put out by 

Light in Darkness Ministry

Morning Star Herald - 2016 January.pdf Morning Star Herald - 2016 January.pdf
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Morning Star Herald - 2016 May.pdf Morning Star Herald - 2016 May.pdf
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Type : pdf

More information coming soon.